Abdul Karim Telgi was an infamous Indian criminal known for his involvement in a large-scale counterfeit stamp paper scam, one of the biggest scams in India’s history. Born on July 29, 1961, in the small village of Kudachi, Karnataka, Telgi’s life journey took him from humble beginnings to becoming the mastermind behind a highly profitable counterfeit stamp paper racket that defrauded the Indian government of billions of rupees. Early Life and Background: Abdul Karim Telgi came from a modest background. His family was not wealthy, and Telgi himself was not highly educated. After completing his schooling, he moved to Mumbai (then Bombay) to find work. His initial jobs were low-paying, but he had a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Eventually, he moved to Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia, where he worked as a salesman for a few years before returning to India. The Rise of the Scam: In the 1990s, Telgi became involved in the counterfeit stamp paper business, which involved producing fake sta...